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First Bus

Building High Performance Teams and Leadership Development

First Bus were undergoing major organisational change and wanted to deliver this while maintaining and developing their market share. As part of the plan they recognised the opportunity in develop their leadership capacity, promote autonomy and develop engagement at a local level. We facilitated Leadership development programs, developing High Performance Teamwork, while supporting managers to build their business plan. Each programme provided challenging simulations and were followed up with executive coaching and action learning sets.

“My coach worked with two of my teams and a number of others in First over the last couple of years. Through his passion, knowledge, expertise, help, support and patience our staff have developed significantly both as team members and individuals which has been translated into overall business performance. I have absolutely no hesitation in recommending him.”


Building Your Confidence Fast For New Leaders

I’ve asked 1000’s of new leaders, “what do you want to learn the most first” and they nearly always tell me the same thing. 

They tell me they want to feel confident, and they want to know what to do to get up to speed as quickly as possible.

So I’ve creates this short, 10 minute video session to quickly give you that for free.

You will learn

  • How confidence works and how to get it
  • The 5 quick and real sources of confidence you need in a new management role
  • The fastest way to create value in you business as a new leader
  • How to benchmark your skills against the most stress tested core skills of new leaders
  • The one thing you need to accelerate your experience as a leader